Why Upgrade
The Place Where You Find Your Dream Home
Why Upgrade
HDB Owners,
Owning a condo may not have crossed your mind…
You might be telling yourself …
“ I don’t think I can afford to upgrade”
But with our in-depth financial planning and straightforward Wealth Progression Strategy,
You can be able to :
► Upgrade to a condominium
► Own 2 properties and create PASSIVE INCOME
► + plan for a better retirement
If the above is something you want to achieve…
Do you want to find out more?
Mr and Mrs Lim are both 35 years old. They make a combined income of $8000 a month. When they met with us, they were the owners of a 4 room HDB flat.
They had wanted to sell their home to upgrade to a 5 room flat. But after a discussion with them, their goals, we created a detailed and meticulous assets progression plan for them.
With this plan, they successfully upgraded to a private condominium instead of a 5 room HDB flat and even have a extra funds for their retirement.
With a clear guide customised for them, they were even able to afford and own a second property!
Let's take a look at James and Jane's case study.
James and Jane, both 35 years old, were owners of a condo. Their plan was to pay fully for their property or upgrade to a landed.
But after doing detailed calculations & explaining different options to them, they had learnt better way of managing their money with my STRATEGIES. With this plan, they successfully purchased 2 private condominium, 1 for stay and the other for rent and even have a extra funds for their retirement.
With a clear guide customised for them, they were even able to afford and own a second property!
Let’s meet for a NON-OBLIGATORY & FREE sharing session today!
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